Who's Kevy Anyways?

I was born in Caracas, Venezuela; a beautiful country in South America. As a child I was very interested in sports and music. Most of my childhood happiest moments happened at the baseball field, volleyball court or playing piano at concerts or church. Being involved in team activities helped create my love for collaborating with others. At the age of 17 I moved to the U.S. to live with my father, brothers, sister and step-mom. Shortly after moving to the U.S. I joined a community college and completed most of my pre-requisites towards a business degree. Years later, I completed my undergrad and master's degree in business with emphasis in marketing.


My professional career started at a small company in San Diego, California, where I got hired as a supervisor for a small call center. Two years into that position I was promoted to be the assistant manager for a new business unit. In this capacity I got my first experience leading crossfunctional teams. After successfully leading a business unit, I was asked to join the company's operations department, where I acted as a project manager, product owner, and business system analyst. It was at this capacity where I fell in love with product development. As part of the operations department, I spearheaded many consumer and internal enhancement projects, which greatly improved the company's bottom-line. In 2019, I was hired as the company's product manager, which was a natural transition based on my previous roles and responsibilities. As a product manager I lead crossfunctional teams in the development of new products or features that bring value to our consumers and employees. I find working as a product manager very fulfilling, since I get to interact with software engineers, marketing professionals and consumers. Currently, I'm working on improving my software coding skills by learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other software development languages that will ultimately allow me to be a better professional and asset to my team. If you are interested in seeing some of my initial projects, please choose a project from the navigation bar.

Education & Certifications